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If you have a question that is not on this page, please feel free to call one of our practices and our friendly team will help answer it.
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BIFOCALS AND VARIFOCALS?Bifocals accommodate two different prescriptions (usually distance and near) and have a visible line on the lens. Varifocals accommodate three different prescriptions. They allow you to see at all distances and have no visible line on the lens.
WILL THE NHS PAY FOR MY GLASSES?The NHS will contribute towards your glasses if you are eligible. You can find out if you are eligible by visiting our NHS sight test page
WHY DO MY SPECTACLE LENSES HAVE TO BE SO THICK AND HEAVY?They don’t! Modern technology means that spectacle lenses can be made thinner and lighter these days, sometimes up to 40% lighter depending on your prescription. Spectacle frames are also being made lighter without compromising the strength of the frame. Please note if you receive help towards the cost of your glasses from the NHS there would be extra charges if you would like thinner and lighter lenses.
WILL MY EYES GET WORSE BY WEARING GLASSES TOO MUCH?This is a common myth and is completely false. Needing glasses to read is a sign that your vision is beginning to deteriorate due to age. The amount of time you wear your glasses does not cause your vision to deteriorate further. In fact, your vision will gradually change due to age-related changes in the eye regardless of whether or how much you wear your glasses. When you receive a prescription from us we will always advise you on when it’s best to wear your glasses.
IS THERE ANY POINT IN HAVING AN ANTI-REFLECTION COATING ON MY GLASSES?Yes! An anti-reflection coating reduces the amount of light that is reflected from the lens which, in turn, allows more light to enter the eye. This is particularly useful for reading, driving, and computer use.
WHEN CAN I COLLECT MY GLASSES?Your spectacle lenses are ordered on the same day to ensure a speedy service. Single vision lenses usually take around 7 working days to get back to us. Bifocal and varifocal lenses take slightly longer, around 14 working days. Once they arrive back to us our team check the lenses to make sure they are correct and will then contact you, letting you know you can collect your new glasses.
WHAT IF I AM UNHAPPY WITH MY GLASSES?We do our very best to ensure that you are delighted with your new glasses, but if for any reason you are dissatisfied we encourage you to contact the practice where you got your glasses. Our friendly team will talk with you to find out what the problem is and try their best to resolve the issue for you.
HOW DO I PAY FOR MY GLASSES?To allow us to order your new spectacle lenses the same day, we require full payment on the day of ordering. We accept payment by cash or card but no longer accept payment by cheque.
CAN I BRING IN A PRESCRIPTION FROM ANOTHER OPTICIAN?Yes! We have absolutely no problem providing you glasses if you have a prescription from elsewhere as long as it’s signed and dated.
MY SPECTACLE LENSES ARE SCRATCHED, WILL IT BE POSSIBLE TO "BUFF" OUT THE SCRATCHES OR WILL I HAVE TO ORDER NEW LENSES?"Unfortunately, it is not possible to “buff” out scratches on an existing lens as this could affect the prescription. If you are prone to scratching your lenses it could be worth investing in a scratch-resistant coating for your lenses which would make them less likely to scratch. Some of these coatings also come with a guarantee which could save you money in the long term.
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